Self-Management System
Bandelier’s staff, Instructional Council, and parents believe that students should learn to monitor their own behavior. We assist students in developing the skills and the confidence they need to solve their own problems in a positive manner. Students are to exhibit their best behavior at school and school-related activities. Parents are expected to work cooperatively with school personnel to address behavior concerns. At the beginning of the school year, teachers will distribute and discuss school rules with their students.
Educating our youth is a cooperative venture involving the home as well as the school. Education begins at home and continues at the school, where educators provide children daily guidance. While the school continues to be primarily accountable for academic instruction, the school setting also offers students opportunities to develop those social skills needed to lead successful and productive lives.
You received the Albuquerque Public Schools Student Behavior Handbook at Registration or during the first few days of school. Bandelier’s student behavior guidelines reflect the District’s expectations and are designed to emphasize Bandelier’s student-centered self-management system which teaches students that they are empowered to make choices that carry either positive or negative consequences. With this system, our students develop a sense of self worth and the good judgment to become positive, contributing members of society.
Super Rules
Basically, we have two very simple super rules for our students:
- Always keep your hands, feet, and hurtful comments to yourself.
- Treat other people in the kind way you want to be treated.
In other words, Bandelier students will not engage in activities which physically or mentally hurt other individuals or themselves.