APS Student Handbook Links
Report Absences
The school has an answering system so you may always leave us your message (even in the middle of the night!).
Call: (505) 255-8744 ext. 2
Students and families of Bandelier must comply with:
Bandelier Student Handbook
About the Bandelier Student Handbook
Abbreviated Day / School Cancellation
Abbreviated Day: The abbreviated day schedule is a shortened school day that begins TWO HOURS LATER than the regular schedule but ends at the regular time. For Bandelier, the school day will begin at 11:15 AM and end at our usual time of 4:00 PM.
The most common use of the abbreviated day schedule occurs when severe weather causes street conditions that would endanger the safety of students to school and school employees to work. The decision to institute an abbreviated schedule will be made and announced through the news media and on the District’s web site ( APS website ) no later than 6:00 AM. Parents may also receive information about an abbreviated day or school cancellation through the Parent Link notification system. Please do not call the school, as we are not notified any earlier than the media.
Cancellation of School: Following the decision to implement an abbreviated schedule, weather conditions occasionally worsen to the point that makes it necessary to close the schools. This announcement will be made no later than 8:00 a.m. All students, parents and employees are encouraged to listen to the radio or watch television for announcements concerning changes in the school schedule.
In the event of school cancellation, school will be asynchronous, meaning the students will have work given to them via google classroom, dojo or any other communication the classroom uses.
Arrival and Dismissal
Playground supervision begins at 9:00 AM. Children dropped off prior to that time will be unsupervised. Children are not to go to the classrooms before the bell rings at 9:15 AM. Please assist us in making sure that your children are safe by making sure they do not arrive at school before the playground is supervised at 9:00 AM.
After school is dismissed, children should quickly leave the grounds or report to the appropriate after-school program. Please be sure that your children know how to get home -- whether walking or riding. All arrangements for getting home should be made before coming to school. Please make sure that your children understand that they should follow through with after-school arrangements. The playground is not supervised after school ends at 4:00 PM. Children who have not been picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal will be asked to go to the office to wait.
On time, daily attendance is mandatory for students to derive maximum benefit from any instructional program. New Mexico law dictates that students between the ages of 5 and 18 years of age are mandated to attend public school, private school, home school or a state institution. Highland Cluster Schools, including Bandelier, participate in the Community Attendance Pilot Project, a joint City/State/APS program to curb excessive student absences.
Bandelier’s Attendance Policy
If your child misses school, it is difficult to do our part instructing him/her. Bandelier’s attendance goal is 95%, which means no more than 10 absences for the entire school year. On days your student is absent, you must call the school office to excuse the absence.
The Albuquerque Public School District Goal is 95% attendance for all students in each grading period. This means no more than 5 unexcused absences per student, per semester, is acceptable.
The parent/guardian must notify the school each day the student is absent. Absences may be excused for the following reasons, with appropriate documentation:
- Doctor, dentist, and psychological appointments with appointment verification
- Death in the family
- Religious commitment
- Illness (please provide doctor’s excuse if a child misses more than three (3) days of school.)
- Family emergency (excluding vacations) Diagnostic testing
We are now required to take half-day attendance. Morning Attendance is from 7:30 AM to 10:35 PM. Afternoon Attendance is from 10:36 to 7:30 PM. If your child comes to school after 10:35 PM or leaves before 10:35 PM she/he will be marked absent for half a day.
You may receive a School Messenger automated attendance call at some point during the school year notifying you that your child is absent. If you have already notified the school, please disregard the message. However, if you have not notified the school of the absence, please call the office to report the absence. Also, if you think this is a mistake, please call the office and our office staff will make the necessary corrections.
Because students are limited to 5 absences per semester, it is expected that parents will limit student vacations to periods of time when school is not in session. Bandelier’s administrative staff recognizes parents’ right to take their children out of school for a family vacation. However, absences accrued for family vacations will be recorded as unexcused.
If a parent has not made contact with the school after several days, a staff member will make a good faith effort to notify the parent to discover the reason for the student’s absences.
Students with excessive absences may be referred to the Health and Wellness Team for attendance intervention.
Attendance Letters may be sent out during the school year. These letters do not come from our office; however, they are based on attendance entered in our office. Letters are sent directly from the District Attendance letters are sent out at the 10-day unexcused absence benchmark. If you receive a letter and feel that there has been an error, please speak to our Attendance Clerk and provide documentation in order to correct the attendance.
Please refer to the APS Student Behavior Handbook for more details.
Building Use
Our school is an integral part of our community. We are pleased to offer our facilities for use to community organizations and other groups. In all cases, an APS Building Usage Agreement must be submitted online for approval by the Chief Operations Office and then routed to the school principal for approval.
Our cafeteria offers both breakfast and lunch to all children attending school. Please see the School Meals page for more information.
Celebrations: Birthdays and Holidays
We will follow the district policy on Religious Issues and Holiday Practices. In accordance to District policy on the celebration of holidays, please see the Instructional Guidelines regarding Religious Issues and Holiday Practices in the APS Staff Handbook and board approved procedural directives. Holidays can be appropriately studied relative to State Standards. Classroom parties should not exceed 30 minutes of instructional time. Birthday parties are not permitted. If parents bring in cupcakes or treats, please try to incorporate the treats into the final 30 minutes of the day. If gifts are brought to school for a student, the gift will remain in the office until the end of the day. Birthday party invitations should NOT be disbursed at school.
Cell Phones / Electronic Devices
Current APS policy allows students to have personal electronic devices on campus. These include cell phones, pagers, music/media players, gaming devices, and personal digital assistants. However, these devices must be kept out of sight and turned off during school hours unless permission has been given by a member of the school staff. If the device is being used without permission or is interfering with instruction, the device will be confiscated and must be picked up by the student’s parents. Please see the APS web site for the full policy.
Students who bring an electronic device from home do so at their own risk. If it is lost, no time will be spent during class to find the item.
Please see that your children come to school dressed appropriately. Encourage your children to layer their clothing, as our mornings are usually quite cool and a light sweater or jacket is almost always needed as children wait outside until 9:00 AM and play outside during morning recess.
Be aware of your child’s physical education schedule and see that they are appropriately attired for this class. Slacks and canvas shoes are recommended.
The APS Community Clothing Bank partners with Goodwill Industries of New Mexico to make sure students in need have clothes, shoes, undergarments and coats so they can focus on learning. Please contact the school counselor for more information.
We have a Counselor who is available to parents and students. The Counselor’s Office is located on the second floor. In addition to working with classrooms and holding small student counseling sessions, the School Counselor is available to consult with parents, staff members, and students. Please contact the Counselor at 255-8744 to schedule appointments.
Discipline / Self-Management System
Bandelier’s staff, Instructional Council, and parents believe that students should learn to monitor their own behavior. We assist students in developing the skills and the confidence they need to solve their own problems in a positive manner. Students are to exhibit their best behavior at school and school-related activities. Parents are expected to work cooperatively with school personnel to address behavior concerns.
At the beginning of the school year, teachers will distribute and discuss school rules with their students. We have two SUPER RULES which, if followed, will prevent most conflicts and will keep students free from trouble:
- Always keep your hands, feet, and hurtful comments to yourself.
- Treat other people in the kind way you want to be treated.
Banda Bear Pledge: Many years ago, the Bandelier community developed behavioral and academic expectations for all students. These expectations, or core values, were written in the form of a Pledge which is recited each morning after the Pledge of Allegiance.
Banda Bear Pledge: As a Banda Bear I promise to:
- Come to school ready to learn
- Act respectfully
- Act responsibly
- Have a positive attitude
- Work as team player
- Be a problem solver
As a Banda Bear I will use these skills at home, at school and in our community.
Please discuss with your student what these expectations mean and how they can be used. The Pledge will be discussed, posted, and shared at the beginning of the school year and throughout the year.
Bear Traps: This program was developed to help students be more aware of “off-limits” areas of the school. These are areas that are un-safe or are unsupervised at times, and should be avoided.
Recess Bear Traps:
- Courtyard
- Hallways and stairwells
- Portables patio
- Blue tables east of building
- Cafeteria area
- Kinder area
- In front of the gym (for AM and PM recess those students practicing Jump Rope should be INSIDE the gym)
- General hanging out at walls and fences
- Between portables or on their steps and ramps
- Hanging out in the main office or the health office
All day Bear Traps:
- Anywhere on campus without a parent before 8:45 AM or after 3:25 PM
- Secret Stairs
- All streets and parking lots
- Staff lounge/staff work areas
- Hall roaming
- Hanging from or playing on the trees
- Hanging out on the walls and fences
- In the computer lab without adult supervision
The full text of the “Bandelier Self Management System” may be found on the Bandelier website or requested at the office.
Dress Code
The Board of Education and Bandelier’s staff and community expect student dress and grooming to reflect high standards of personal conduct which promotes a positive, safe and healthy atmosphere within the school. Student dress may not present a health or safety hazard, violate municipal or state law, or present a potential for disruption to the instructional program. Attire and accessories which advertise, display or promote any drug, including alcohol or tobacco, sexual activity, violence, gang affiliation, disrespect and/or bigotry toward any group are not acceptable.
Unacceptable clothing and accessories include: gang-related attire, excessively tight or revealing clothes, short shorts, bare midriff, and/or off the shoulder blouses, thin spaghetti strapped shirts, spiked jewelry, chains, and belts with more than 2 inches excess. “Sagging,” or the wearing of pants below the waist and/or in a manner that allows underwear or bare skin to show, and “bagging,” or the wearing of excessively baggy pants with low hanging crotches, are prohibited. Elementary students are not to wear make-up to school.
Early Student Release
To ensure the student safety, children leaving school prior to the end of the day must be signed out through the Main Office.
The Office Staff will call your child up to the office to meet you so that we can make sure s/he leaves with you. Teachers will not be allowed to release children directly from the classroom.
We cannot have the student called to the office to wait while the parent is on their way to pick up their student. The student misses out on instructional time and we have to make sure via picture identification that the person picking up the student is on the pickup list.
We ask you to adhere to this policy so we may verify the identity and authorization of those persons picking up children before school ends.
Students cannot be signed out less than 30 minutes before the dismissal bell. Students must be signed out before 2:00.
Emergency Student Dismissal
In the event that we would need to send children home unexpectedly prior to the end of the school day, we will follow the instructions you provide us when you completed the Emergency Dismissal Form. It is crucial that you keep the information on this form current (including changes in day care arrangements and list of people who are allowed to pick up your child) and that we have your current home, work, cell and emergency contact numbers.
If we send children home early, you will not have enough time to make contingency plans. Please make plans now so your children understand your expectations during an emergency.
Please remind your children to come to the office for assistance any time they are frightened, confused, or need to contact you to confirm after-school plans.
Field Trips
Field trips allow students to learn about the world first-hand, outside the boundaries of the classroom. Teachers will send home a permission slip for parents to read and sign. APS policy prohibits student participation on field trips unless the child has returned the APS-approved field trip form, which has been signed by a parent or guardian.
Highland Cluster
Schools in the Highland Cluster include those middle schools (Wilson, Hayes, and Van Buren Middle Schools) which feed into Highland High School, and the elementary schools (Bandelier, Emerson, Hawthorne, Kirtland, La Mesa, Mark Twain, Sandia Base, Wherry, and Whittier Elementary Schools) that feed into those middle schools.
Homework Philosophy
Bandelier’s Instructional Council has developed the following homework philosophy:
- We believe that nightly reading is essential to encourage reading comprehension and fluency.
- We believe that homework should reinforce skills being taught in the classroom.
- We believe that children should be given the responsibility of completing homework and for turning it in on time.
- We believe that homework may often require parental involvement and supervision.
- We believe that individual teachers will have specific homework requirements.
We understand that within this philosophy, actual homework assignments and practices will vary from teacher to teacher and from grade to grade. Teachers will share their homework expectations with parents in a variety of ways, such as at Open House, through class newsletters, etc. Parents are expected to ask questions when they have concerns.
Illness / Injury
The Health Office is staffed by a Registered Nurse and a Health Assistant. The professional Nurse assists the students by assessment, referral, identification of health problems, health management and teaching. The Health Assistant is trained in First Aide and CPR.
In the event of student illness or injury, the School Nurse, Health Assistant, or other person designated by the principal will provide first aide. First aide guidelines in the NM School Health Manual will be followed. Parents will be contacted immediately when a child needs to be sent home due to illness or injury.
If a student needs emergency care and a parent or guardian cannot be reached, the child will be transported to a hospital for medical attention. Please be sure that the Health Office has current work, home and cell numbers so that contact can be readily made.
APS Medication Policy: Albuquerque Public Schools has a Procedural Directive and Medication Policy that all School Nurses and Health Assistants must follow:
- Students who take medication at school need to have a physician’s order for their medication on file in the Health Office.
- The medication label cannot be used in place of a physician’s written order.
- Students who take over-the-counter medications while at school must have a parent authorization form on file in the Health Office.
- Students carrying any medication should only bring to school the dose necessary for that school day. It should be in the prescription or original bottle. At no time will a student be allowed to carry a medication classified as a controlled substance (ex: Ritalin, Adderall, or Tylenol with Codeine).
If your child needs medication for any reason during the school day, please contact the Health Office for information regarding the complete APS Medication Policy.
Per NM State Immunization Law, your child will not be permitted to enroll or continue enrollment unless immunizations are complete and verification is presented to the School Nurse. Parents who object to immunizing their child must complete a Certificate of Exemption from Immunization requirements form, send it to the NM Immunization Program, then return an approved copy to the school. This must be renewed yearly. For information on required vaccines or to download an exemption form, please visit nmhealth.org or contact the School Nurse.
Instructional Council (IC)
Every school in APS is required to have an Instructional Council (IC). This council coordinates all school instructional activities, through the development of instructional strategies and the coordination of Goal and Grade-Level team activities.
Internet Use Policy
APS and Bandelier provide technology resources to students for educational purposes. The goal in providing these resources is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication with the support and supervision of parents, teachers, and support staff. Internet use will have an educational focus and be supervised by an adult at all times.
With internet access also comes the availability of materials that may not be considered of educational value in the context of the school setting. APS and Bandelier have made a good faith effort to restrict access to controversial materials. However, on a global network it is impossible to control access to all materials, and an industrious user may discover controversial information. We firmly believe that the valuable information and interaction available on the internet far outweigh the possibility that users may procure material that is not consistent with the District’s and school’s educational goals.
The use of these technology resources is an educational right; with this right come responsibilities and consequences for not meeting those responsibilities. Users should be aware that their activities are visible and can be tracked. Inappropriate use of the Internet will result in a cancellation of access. The principal, teacher and members of the Bandelier Technology Team will deem what is inappropriate use and their decision is final. Also, the principal, teacher and Technology Team may deny, revoke, or suspend specific use accounts.
Misuse includes, but is not limited to: abusive language, software piracy (illegal use of software); copyright violation, or otherwise using another person’s intellectual property without their prior approval or proper citation; unauthorized use of network; interfering with or disrupting other users, services or equipment; attempts to learn or use the password of others; accessing another person’s materials, information or files without the permission of that person; destruction or alteration of files or data belonging to other users; and accessing inappropriate areas on the internet such as pornography, sites unrelated to class assignments, chat rooms, or downloading or playing videos or audio clips.
Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. It is impossible for APS to restrict access to all controversial materials. The District is not responsible for restricting, monitoring or controlling the communications of individuals utilizing the network, however we reserve the right to do so. Access to commercial email accounts (AOL, Hotmail, etc.) by students using APS equipment/resources is permitted but still governed by this policy.
The Bandelier Library is open during school hours and usually before and after school. The number of books that may be borrowed and times they may be renewed are dependent upon grade level, if books are required for assignments, and whether the student has a good record of returning books. We suggest that student keep their library books in a safe place, handle them carefully, and accept responsibility for returning them in as good condition as when they borrowed them. Parents and children are responsible for lost or damaged books.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found bins are located upstairs, in the hallway near the Nurse's office. Smaller, more expensive items are kept for two weeks in the Main Office. Please have your children check these locations for lost items. At the end of each month, we remove all items and donate them to the Clothing Bank or Joy Junction.
Please write your child’s name on all personal items. Identifying all your child’s belongings with a name will help us return items to owners. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, torn, or broken items.
Mission Statement
In 2001, we adopted the following mission statement:
“Our mission at Bandelier School is to sustain a community of learners through an integrated Liberal Arts curriculum that includes, but is not limited to, the study of literature, language arts, social studies, science, technology, mathematics, philosophy, and fine arts. Bandelier students will become critical thinkers who positively impact the future.”
Parent Involvement
We both urge and welcome your participation in your child’s education. If you wish to visit your child’s classroom, please make arrangements with your child’s teacher. Please do not engage your child’s teacher in a conversation during class time, including teacher preparation time. Please do not bring younger siblings to school. Check with your child’s teacher or the office staff if you wish to volunteer. We are always in need of assistance! Please note that every parent and visitor must always report to the front office to sign in and get a visitor’s badge before going to any classroom or activity on campus. This serves two purposes.
- The badge identifies you as a registered, “sanctioned,” visitor.
- We calculate yearly volunteer hours for public relations’ purposes.
As a courtesy, make arrangements (via a note, phone call or email) with teachers in advance if you wish to help in the classroom. Parents may leave messages with the office staff for teachers to return phone calls.
Parental Support and Participation: Your assistance in encouraging your child to complete all homework assignments and projects is necessary. When asked by the teacher, please review your child's homework. Attending scheduled parent-teacher conferences is expected. We are here to provide a quality education for your child and your support/participation is a valuable link to your child's academic success. Your child's teacher will work with your child to make sure he/she fulfills his/her academic and developmental potential, but the teacher needs your support as well. Working together IS the key to your child's success.
Stay involved and informed by reading the Banda Bear News every week!
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Bandelier has an active and involved parent community, and a major vehicle for this involvement is the PTA. All Bandelier parents, grandparents, staff and community members are invited to participate in meetings and events.
Please join us for monthly PTA meetings, with pizza and child-care provided. For further information, contact us by email at BandelierPTA@gmail.com , or visit our web page.
Our PTA has the following committees: Art in the School, Bear-A-Thon, Book Fair, Garden, Halloween Carnival, Holiday Bazaar, Membership, Music, Service Learning (Snack Pack Program & Food Drives), and Sun & Shade. If you are interested in serving on one of these committees. Please come to a meeting or send an email to BandelierPTA@gmail.com .
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent Conferences are held following the first quarter grading period in the fall and the third quarter grading period in the spring. Fall conferences for this year are noted on the APS calendar . Teachers will meet with parents to discuss students’ grades, progress, growth, and needs.
Teachers often schedule parent conferences at other times throughout the year to discuss individual student’s needs and progress. Likewise, parents are welcome to schedule parent-teacher conferences to discuss concerns that may arise throughout the school year. Maintaining regular lines of communication will undoubtedly improve student performance and nip any problems before they occur.
Parents should not interrupt instructional time by dropping by the classroom unexpectedly to discuss a concern. Parents should schedule an appointment if they wish to have a lengthy conference to discuss their student’s needs and progress.
City ordinance prohibits animals on campus at any time. Some children are afraid or allergic to animals. Please do not put yourself in a possible litigious situation by disobeying this city ordinance and bringing an unauthorized pet on campus. If necessary, we will call the Animal Control Center to remove animals from the playground. If your child wants to bring a pet for sharing, special arrangements can be made with the teacher in order to assure that APS guidelines are followed.
All children will be given three recess periods a day, in the morning, lunch and afternoon. Research indicates that students perform better academically with regularly scheduled, unstructured physical activity.
All students will be expected to go outside for recess unless we have a note from you or the doctor specifically requesting that the child remain inside. Occasionally we will cancel outside recess periods because of harsh weather conditions. This happens very infrequently and children will be expected to go outside at all other times. Please make sure that your children wear coats and warm clothing to school so they may enjoy playing outdoors.
Rules for ALL Recesses:
- You must follow all the rules that were explained by our Coach at the beginning of the school year about safe use of playground equipment.
- You may NOT go on the sidewalk or into the street. (The paths to the playground from the school are OK.)
- You may NOT be on the concrete block wall around the field.
- You may NOT go near the openings to the sidewalks and street.
- You may NOT squeeze between the chain link fence and the wall.
- You may NOT go in the central courtyard.
- You may NOT play around the portables.
- You may NOT play on the stairs or banisters.
- You may NOT climb the trees.
- You may NOT go in the downstairs part of the school without permission from a duty. If you need to go to your classroom for a jacket, a toy, a snack, anything, you must ask a duty.
- If you need to use the bathroom, you must use them in the upstairs, front hallway.
Religion in the Schools
The Bandelier community recognizes the rich cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity of our students and families. As a community, we strive to broaden our knowledge of each others’ heritage and to display sensitivity toward one another.
Bandelier abides by the APS Procedural Directives and School Board Policy (read the policy) in regard to religious and holiday practices. We do not aim to promote or prohibit any religion or absence of religion. With community involvement, we will teach our children to have respect and acceptance for one another.
- No child shall be expected to participate in activities that violate his/her personal convictions or those of the child’s parents. A relevant alternative must be provided for the child who cannot participate in a classroom activity.
- Religion is an appropriate topic of classroom discussion. Classroom activities may focus on the origin, history, and meaning of religions and/or religion’s relationship to history, art, music, literature, etc.
- Classroom activities should address curricular objectives and learning outcomes. The school’s approach to religious holidays should be academic, not devotional or celebratory.
- When a particular symbol has both a cultural and religious significance, it should be considered a religious symbol and dealt with according to APS School Board Policy. It will be the school staff’s responsibility to assure that these policies are adhered to by any guests or parents in the classroom.
- Any Bandelier community member who feels that the above guidelines have not been met is urged to discuss the situation with the classroom teacher and/or principal. If further action is needed, a written comment should be sent to the Instructional Council (IC), the body ratified by the school community, to address instructional community concerns.
School Hours
School begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. each day.
School Messenger
School Messenger is a district-wide communication system which uses e-mails and phone messages to keep teachers and administrators in contact with parents of students. School Messenger can be used for both non-emergency and emergency situations. Reminder announcements regarding Parent Teacher Conferences, holidays, in-service days, or special events can be sent to your preferred phone number or email address. While we hope we don’t have to utilize the emergency notification component, it would allow the school to inform parents about the nature of a situation, give instructions, and keep you informed as to what you can do to help.
School Messenger and Attendance: On a day-to-day basis, parents will receive a phone call every time their child is late or absent, or if their child has a negative account in the cafeteria. Please continue to notify the school of absences before 10:30 AM, if possible. Phone calls from School Messenger will start at approximately 11:30 AM for morning absences and 4:00 PM for afternoon absences. The amount of time it takes the ‘human element’ to retrieve the messages from the school’s attendance line each day, check in students who arrive late and then record this information into the APS information system can vary from day to day. Your patience will be greatly appreciated on the days when children’s needs come first and we are not able to enter all calls by 10:30. By the same token, if you are unable to call by 10:30, we will continue to update the system throughout the day to record your call as quickly as possible. Keeping your preferred phone number current will assist in timely communication. Please understand that School Messenger is not optional and is district wide.
School Supplies
Every grade has a supply list that you should have received at registration. During the remainder of the school year, the teachers will let you know what supplies, if any, will be needed. If you are unable to purchase school supplies, please contact the counselor or school secretary. We will assist you in getting supplies.
Suggested Sun and Shade Guidelines
Bandelier Elementary is dedicated to the objective of creating a sun-wise campus, with greater shade available for students, faculty and community members on the campus; improved hat and cover-up clothing use by students, faculty and parents on campus; and high levels of both sun awareness and sunscreen use.
Parent Recommendations
- Please provide your student(s) with a brimmed sun hat, sunglasses and sunscreen for their use at school. All items should bear your child’s name.
- Be aware of the school dress code, and also the intensity of our high-altitude sun while assisting your child in dressing or when selecting school clothing. We recommend light-weight, long sleeves for optimum sun protection. Please avoid bare shoulders if possible.
- Please assist your child in applying a generous coat of sunscreen every morning, especially on exposed skin. In addition, please teach your child to apply their own sunscreen while at school.
- Be aware that while we seek to increase the amount of shade available on our playground, not all areas will be sun protected. Encourage your child to seek shade under trees and at shaded tables when possible.
- If supplying a hat or sunscreen to your child causes a financial burden, please contact the Sun and Shade committee at YourBandelierPTA@yahoo.com and we will provide these for your student if possible. If you have new sun hats to donate, please also send an email to the address above
Telephone Use
With only four lines coming into Bandelier, we try to keep the phones open for school business and emergencies. Please help us by making all transportation, child care, and recreation arrangements before you send your child to school. Please discourage your children from using the office phones to call you regarding after-school arrangements. Students must have a note from their teacher in order to use the phone at any time during the school day. Please be considerate of our hard-working office staff who are taking care of the entire school.
Toys / Electronics Brought to School
Students who bring a toy or electronic device from home do so at their own risk. If it is lost, no time will be spent during class to find the item. This includes balls and other items which are tossed on the roof. If a member of the staff feels that the toy is interfering with the safety of students or with instruction, the toy will be confiscated and must be picked up by the student’s parents.
Vacations / Holidays
School is in session from August 3, 2023, until at least May 31, 2024. The school calendar is planned to avoid conflicts with religious holidays. In the event of an unforeseen conflict, students will be given an excused absence to observe a religious holiday. Please call the school at 255-8744 so that we may note this excused absence.
- Every parent and visitor must always report to the front office to sign in and get a visitor’s badge before going to any classroom or activity on campus.
- If volunteering in the classroom, the teacher must be aware and an appointment must be made so our front office will be aware to expect visitors.
- Student visitors must make arrangements in advance. A Student Visitor Permission Form must be signed by parents as well as the sponsoring teacher and the principal prior to the visitation day.
- Student visitors (from another APS school) may be permitted to remain on the school campus at the discretion of the principal. No student who is currently suspended from another school and/or who has been the cause of a disruption in any school shall be allowed to remain on campus.
Because of the potential for disruption to the instructional process and to minimize the risk of injury and liability, children who are not enrolled in an APS school or program are not permitted on campus or on field trips unless they are visiting under the immediate supervision of their parent or guardian. Students may not bring children or siblings who are not enrolled in a program at the school to school or on field trips as visitors or to “babysit.” Employees may not bring their own children to work at school or other district facilities during the duty day without prior authorization from their principal or manager.
If you wish to withdraw your child from Bandelier, please notify the office at least two days prior to the move. You will need to personally come to school to withdraw your student. Before records can be released, school and library books must be returned and cafeteria charges must be paid.
With-In School Transfer Policy
Moving a student from one classroom to another is often disruptive to the school environment. Because of this fact, Bandelier’s IC (Instructional Council) has developed a parent-friendly placement system. Nonetheless, the IC and the school’s Administration understand that sometimes such moves are necessary. To make sure that "within school transfers” are in the best interest of the individual student, as well as his/her classmates, Bandelier’s IC established the following “Within School Classroom Transfers Policy”. Please note that student schedules will not be changed prior to the sixth week of school.
- Step 1: The parent(s) will schedule an appointment with the teacher and the principal to discuss concerns about the class. After this discussion, the parent(s) will schedule with the teacher at least two 30-minute observations over a two week period. At the beginning of the school year, parents are not to schedule observations until after the second week of school.
- Step 2: After their classroom observations, a parent-teacher-principal conference will be scheduled to communicate concerns and to take positive steps to meet the concerns within the current classroom. The participants will write an action plan to address the parents’ concerns.
- Step 3: If the parent(s) continue to have concerns about the student’s placement, the parents will meet with the principal and the current teacher to review placement. During this review process, a decision will then be made as to whether the student is to remain in the present classroom or to be transferred to another classroom.
- Step 4: Any classroom without a maximum caseload will be considered for the child’s placement. If all classes at that grade level are at maximum caseload, then there can be no transfer. Determining the best educational setting for any student will also take into consideration the impact on receiving classroom group dynamics. The principal will work with the teacher and parent to ensure that student’s educational needs are being met.
Be aware that going through this process does not ensure a placement change for the child.