About Coronavirus
Contact BES Health Office
We are back in school! Masking and distancing per NM Public Health Order... we are doing our best to keep our students and staff safe and healthy.
If you have student health questions or concerns please email me or call/text at 505-750-8612.
Our health office is not a replacement for your usual provider (MD, NP, PA) or emergency services. If this is a medical crisis or emergency please call your provider or 911.If you believe you may be experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, call the NM Department of Health Hotline at 1-855-600-3453. If you feel you are in emotional or mental health crisis, contact the NM Crisis Line at 1-855-662-7474 (1-855-NMCRISIS).
It's important to talk with someone about all the feelings that may be coming up for you all... we are living in new ways and it's hard to stay home all the time. Also notice the feelings and needs of others... ask your siblings or your parent or guardians if they need anything! Call on the counselor or nurse for help!
Despite an overwhelming number of resources out there about Coronavirus it remains important for us to educate ourselves so that we may educate our children and families as we move forward in this pandemic. Listed on this page are links to websites and videos to share with your family and community.
We start with this wonderful video (also found on Coach Jarvis' excellent PE website!) published by Eurac Research in Italy. It beautifully explains this new type of coronavirus, how a virus works, and all about staying healthy during these times.
Get Vaccinated
Safe And Effective Vaccines Now Available...get Vaccinated!! Check Links Below For More Information!
When to Stay Home
Important Links
- mRNA Vaccines and How They Work
- CDC Website-Vaccination Information
- MayoClinic - Vaccination Information
- New York Times - Vaccine Information
- NM Department of Health Resources BrainPOP: Coronavirus Information Page
- LiveScience: The Ultimate Kid's Guide to Coronavirus (EVERYTHING is on this page!)
- Information for Parents from KidsHealth
- Six Daily Questions
- Child Mind Institute: Supporting Families During Covid-19 Pandemic Resource Page
- Wearing Cloth Face Coverings
- Usar una Cubierta de Tela Para la Cara
- Handwashing Video--English
- Lavarse las Manos Video--Spanish
- Prevent Flu TOO! (PDF)
There are so many concerns and questions about the duration and effect of the pandemic; but, no clear answers as it changes from day-to-day.
The one clear awareness is that we can decrease the spread of this disease by washing hands, covering coughs/sneezes, wearing masks, social distancing (6 feet between you and others), cleaning surfaces, and staying home.
We can also help by sharing information with our children in ways that make sense for them.
We also help by caring for ourselves and for others by following recommended precautions but also by listening with our kids and with each other…by practicing self-care and by being engaged in the care and well-being of our community.